Parsing INI files

To parse an INI file, the library first reads the file and produces lexical tokens. Then it parses the tokens into a pointer to a Config struct. You may do this yourself using the following functions: new_lexer, lex, new_parser, and parse.

However, the library provides a number of helper functions that make this process easier:

  • read_from_string :
  • read_from_file
  • read_from_reader
  • read_from_bytes
package main

import "core:fmt"
import "path/to/odin-ini/" 

main :: proc() {
    config := ini.read_from_file("config.ini") // Empty ini config
    defer ini.destroy_config(config) // Don't forget to free the memory!
    // Modifying the config
    ini.set(config, "count", "42")
    ini.set(config, "name", "John Doe")
    // Adding a section to the config
    animals := ini.add_section(config, "animals")
    ini.set(animals, "dog", "Rex")
    ini.set(animals, "cat", "Whiskers")
    // Printing the config out
    out := ini.write_to_string(config)


name=John Doe
