
The Config struct is the main data structure used to store the configuration data. I

The Config struct is defined as follows:

Config :: struct {
    name: string,
    keys: map[string]^Config,

new_config(name: string = "config.ini") -> ^Config

Creates a new pointer to a Config struct.

config := ini.new_config()

destroy_config(config: ^Config)

Deletes the Config struct and frees the memory.


read_from_string(s: string) -> ^Config

Reads content from a string and parses it into the Config struct.

config := ini.read_from_string("[section]\nkey=value")
ini.destroy_config(config) // free config memory

read_from_file(filename: string) -> ^Config

Reads content from a file and parses it into the Config struct.

config := ini.read_from_file("config.ini")
ini.destroy_config(config) // free config memory

read_from_handle(h: os.Handle) -> ^Config

Reads data from a file handle and parses it into the Config struct.

file :="config.ini", os.ModeRead)
config := ini.read_from_handle(file)
ini.destroy_config(config) // free config memory

read_from_json(s: string) -> ^Config

Reads content from a JSON string and parses it into the Config struct.

config := ini.read_from_json("{\"name\":\"Jerry\",\"keys\":{\"section\":{\"name\":\"section\",\"keys\":{\"key\":\"value\"}}}}")
fmt.println(config) // prints &Config{name = "config.ini", keys = map[name = "Jerry", section=0x1D29928]}

ini.destroy_config(config) // free config memory

write_to_string(c: ^Config) -> string

Writes the Config struct to a string.

config := ini.read_from_string("[section]\nkey=value")
s := ini.write_to_string(config)

delete(s) // free memory
ini.destroy_config(config) // free config memory

write_to_file(c: ^Config) -> bool

Writes the Config struct to a file. Filename is stored in the name field of the Config struct.

config := ini.read_from_string("[section]\nkey=value") = "my_config.ini"
ini.destroy_config(config) // free config memory

write_to_handle(c: ^Config, h: os.Handle)

Writes the Config struct to a file handle.

config := ini.read_from_string("[section]\nkey=value")
file :="my_config.ini", os.ModeWrite)
ini.write_to_handle(config, file)
ini.destroy_config(config) // free config memory

write_to_json(c: ^Config) -> string

Writes the Config struct to a JSON string.

config := ini.read_from_string("[section]\nkey=value")
s := ini.write_to_json(config)

delete(s) // free memory
ini.destroy_config(config) // free config memory


Alias for get_key.

get_key(c: ^Config, key: string) -> string

Gets the value of a key from the Config struct. This can also be used to get the key of a section because internally they are ^Config.

config := ini.read_from_string("n=10\n[section]\nkey=value")
value := ini.get_key(config, "n")
fmt.println(value) // prints 10

ini.destroy_config(config) // free config memory

get_section(c: ^Config, section: string) -> ^Config

Gets the value of a section from a Config struct.

config := ini.read_from_string("n=10\n[section]\nkey=value")
value := ini.get_section(config, "section")
fmt.println(value) // prints &Config{name = "config.ini", keys = map[n=0x1D27A78, section=section1=0x1D29928]}

ini.destroy_config(config) // free config memory

add_section(c: ^Config, section: string) -> ^Config

Adds a section to a Config and returns a pointer to the new section. You can use the pointer to add new keys, or sections, to the section.

config := ini.new_config()
section := ini.add_section(config, "section")

ini.destroy_config(config) // free config memory

set{set_key, set_section}

Alias for set_key and set_section.

set_key(c: ^Config, key: string, value: string)

Sets the value of a key in the Config struct. key=value is the same as set(config, "key", "value").

config := ini.new_config()
ini.set_key(config, "key", "value")


set_section(c: ^Config, key: string, section: ^Config)

Sets the value of a key in the Config struct to a section. [section] is the same as set(config, "section", section).

config := ini.new_config()
set_section(config, "section", ini.new_config()) // Adds an empty section called "section"


remove(c: ^Config, key: string)

Removes a key from a Config. This will affect both key values and sections.

config := ini.read_from_string("n=10\n[section]\nkey=value")
ini.remove(config, "n") // Removes the key "n" from the config file.
ini.remove(config, "section") // Removes the section "section" from the config file (this also removes the key).

ini.destroy_config(config) // free config memory

pop_key(c: ^Config, key: string) -> string

Removes the key from the Config and returns the value of the key.

config := ini.read_from_string("n=10\n[section]\nkey=value")
value := ini.pop_key(config, "n") // Returns "10"

ini.destroy_config(config) // free config memory

pop_section(c: ^Config, section: string) -> ^Config

Removes the key from the Config and returns the section as a ^Config. This is used to remove a section from a Config.

If this is applied to a normal key it will return a Config with the name field as the value but with no keys.

config := ini.read_from_string("n=10\n[section]\nkey=value")
value := ini.pop_section(config, "section") // Returns &Config{name = "section", keys = map[key=value]}

ini.destroy_config(config) // free config memory

has_key(c: ^Config, key: string) -> bool

Checks if a config has a key with the given name. This will return false if the key is a section.

config := ini.read_from_string("n=10\n[section]\nkey=value")
ini.has_key(config, "n") // Returns true
ini.has_key(config, "section") // Returns false
ini.has_key(config, "benis") // Returns false

ini.destroy_config(config) // free config memory

has_section(c: ^Config, section: string) -> bool

Checks if a config has a section with the given name.

config := ini.read_from_string("n=10\n[section]\nkey=value")
ini.has_section(config, "section") // Returns true
ini.has_section(config, "n") // Returns false
ini.has_section(config, "benis") // Returns false

ini.destroy_config(config) // free config memory

is_empty(c: ^Config) -> bool

Returns true if the config is empty, false otherwise.

config := ini.new_config()
ini.is_empty(config) // Returns true
ini.set_key(config, "key", "value")
ini.is_empty(config) // Returns false

ini.destroy_config(config) // free config memory

clear(c: ^Config)

Removes all keys and sections from the Config.

config := ini.read_from_string("n=10\n[section]\nkey=value
ini.clear(config) // Removes all keys and sections from the config file.

ini.destroy_config(config) // free config memory

keys(c: ^Config) -> []string

Returns an array of all the keys in the Config.

config := ini.read_from_string("n=10\n[section]\nkey=value")
keys := ini.keys(config) // Returns ["n"]

ini.destroy_config(config) // free config memory

values(c: ^Config) -> []string

Returns an array of all the values in the Config.

config := ini.read_from_string("n=10\n[section]\nkey=value")
values := ini.values(config) // Returns ["10", "value"]

ini.destroy_config(config) // free config memory

sections(c: ^Config) -> []string

Returns an array of all the sections in the Config.

config := ini.read_from_string("n=10\n[section]\nkey=value")
sections := ini.sections(config) // Returns ["section"]

ini.destroy_config(config) // free config memory